Game Description

This is the story of a pilot—his life and his death. Told across four acts, you will witness his journey, from his past to his final moments.

This is not the story of one particular person, but rather a reflection of a tragic chapter in history. However, history itself is not our main focus. More than anything, this is a story about people—those who are turned into weapons, whether by force, duty, or belief.

Throughout history, individuals have been used as tools of war. Some go willingly, seeking honor or purpose. Others have no choice at all. But regardless of their reasons, the tragedy remains the same.

Main Idea

The game explores the life of a kamikaze pilot, not as a glorification of war but as a reflection on the tragedy of individuals being used as weapons. It emphasizes the human cost of war, showing how people—whether through duty, coercion, or belief—become part of a larger, often cruel machine.

This is not a game about winning or losing. There are no victories here.


Divine Wind was developed for a game jam in two weeks.  We’d love to hear your feedback and thoughts!

Unity, Aseprite, Ableton, Pixel Composer

It is made by:

SFX from -

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Honestly, what a beautiful game. The art and animations are fantastic. The music sets the perfect tone for what the game presents. The way the story is told is simple, and yet has a lot of depth. 

The story is enough to make you think how a person with a whole life behind them, an incredible amount of experiences, thoughts, dreams, aspirations, moments of wonder and peace has an end to their journey like this. It's incredibly tragic.

It's a really well put together experience. Very well done.

I love the style of this game, the art and sound design is 10/10, and the minigames were really fun! Really interesting story too. 


Beautiful game with an interesting message. Thanks for this short and amazing experience.


Woah, this for sure was an experience, at the end I started to really wonder about stuff

(1 edit) (+2)

It was short but fine, kinda wished there was more story about his personal life to make the ending more impactful. Liked the limited palette and aesthetic but i found the flying sections a bit janky as i didn't have much control